Whether you're ready to hit the trails or use your workhorse ATV to shovel your driveway faster than anyone on the block, we can offer ATV & RTV coverage to suit your needs.

Recreational Vehicle Policy Coverage
We understand the joy - and the risk - owning a recreational vehicle can bring. Whether you need insurance coverage for your ATV, snowmobile, trailer home or antique vehicle, we're here to help protect your investment.
Motorcycles & Snowmobiles
Motorhomes, RVs & Trailers
Golf Carts & Dune Buggies
Classic & Antique Vehicles
Ontario ATV & Rough Terrain Vehicle (RTV) Insurance
Whether you are ready to hit the trails or use your workhorse ATV to shovel your driveway faster than anyone on the block, we have ATV & RTV coverage to suits your needs.
ATV & RTV Policy Coverages
- Third-Party Bodily Injury & Property Damage
- Accident Benefits
- Direct Compensation - Property Damage (DC-PD)
- Uninsured Automobile
- Family Protection Coverage (OPCF 44R)
ATVs and Private Property Use
Even if you are only driving the ATV on your private property, it still must be registered with the Ministry of Transportation. Unfortunately, a personal home or farm insurance policy does not provide coverage for ATVs and RTVs as they are defined as a “Motor Vehicle” and must be insured on an Automobile Policy.
Optional Coverages
Covers the physical damage to your ATV if you get into an accident and you are at-fault (for example, your ATV hits a tree).
Covers specified perils for your ATV that are not covered by Collision, like falling objects and theft.
All Perils
Combines Collision & Comprehensive and uses one deductible
Increased Accident Benefits
If the standard Accident Benefits are not sufficient, you can increase the benefits as needed.
Attached Implements
Attached implements, such as a snow plow blade, does not need to be registered with the Ministry of Transportation. However, we do need to know about ant attachments to provide coverage.
Motorcycles & Snowmobile Insurance
Snowmobile Policy Coverages
- Third-Party Bodily Injury & Property Damage
- Accident Benefits
- Direct Compensation - Property Damage (DC-PD)
- Uninsured Automobile
- Family Protection Coverage (OPCF 44R)
Touring-Type Motorcycles
We can provide coverage for touring-type motorcycles on an Auto Policy. Contact your Agent or Broker to see if your motorcycle is eligible for coverage.
Optional Coverages
Covers the physical damage to your snowmobile if have an accident and you are at-fault (for example, you hit a fence).
Covers specified perils for your snowmobile that are not covered by Collision, such as falling objects and theft.
All Perils
Combines Collision & Comprehensive and uses one deductible
Increased Accident Benefits
If the standard accident benefits are not sufficient, the benefits can be increased.
Motorhomes, RV's & Trailers (Not Permanently Parked) Insurance
Coverage for attached utility trailers and camper trailers can be extended from your Personal Automobile Policy. Coverage is available for physical damage and theft. If your trailer is permanently parked on a seasonal site, see our “Seasonal Property Insurance” page.
Golf Carts & Dune Buggy Insurance
Golf Carts and Dune Buggies can be added to your Personal Property Policy. These vehicles are to be used on private property exclusively, and not on public roads.
Classic & Antique Vehicles Insurance
Never forget the classics. We offer physical damage and road coverages for these types of vehicles that are typically displayed at car shows. Generally, an appraisal to determine the vehicle value is required.
Insurance That Works As Hard As You
Please contact us and Get Started Today! One of our Agents will work steadfastly to provide you with the information you need. Just shopping around? No problem! Our Agents are happy to help provide you with information, so you can make the best decision—For You.