When accidents happen – we can relate. We’re familiar with the driving conditions you face each day, because we drive them too. Our goal is to repair your vehicle in a timely manner while you enjoy a superior claims experience that treats you like a neighbour, not a number.

Auto Insurance Policy Coverage
When you insure your automobile(s) with Ayr Farmers, you’re trusting a neighbour – someone who lives in your community and drives the same roads that you do. We want to ensure everyone in our community has the right coverage and is rewarded for driving safely.
Your Automobile Insurance Policy will cover:
- Third Party Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Protects you, and provides coverage for legal costs if someone is injured (or killed) by you, or if you damage their property while operating a vehicle. We always recommend opting for at least a $2 million limit.
- Accident Benefits
Covers your medical costs to pay for injuries and rehabilitation resulting from an accident, and/or possible funeral expenses, regardless of who is at fault. This coverage includes supplementary medical, rehabilitation and attendant care, caregiver, non-earner and income replacement benefits.
- Direct Compensation - Property Damage (DC-PD)
This coverage pays for damage to your vehicle and the loss of the use of your vehicle when you are found to be “Not at Fault” in the event of a motor vehicle accident.
- Uninsured Automobile
Protects you and your family if another driver hits you and they do not carry car insurance. This also allows coverage in hit-and-run scenarios, where you cannot identify the other driver.
- Family Protection Coverage (OPCF 44R)
Covers you and eligible members of your family in the event of an accident where you are not at fault and the other party has less insurance or no insurance at all. This also includes hit-and-run situations.
Winter-Proof Your Vehicle to Save Money on Car Insurance
Did you know switching your all-season tires for winter tires can help you save money on car insurance? If your tires have the "Winter Tire" symbol, this means they perform better in the ice and snow, and you'll be eligible for a discount on your car insurance. See "Save Money on Your Car Insurance" below for more tips or contact us for advice on your specific circumstances.
Save Money on Your Car Insurance
In addition to the savings you'll enjoy with your auto insurance policy from Ayr Farmers Mutual, you can save even more if you:
Maintain a good driving record - The more years you are free of "at fault" accidents, the better your driving record will be. As a result, you'll enjoy lower rates.
Bundle your car insurance - If you insure property with Ayr Farmers Mutual, you may be entitled to a multi-policy discount.
Get winter tires - If your tires bear the "Winter Tire" symbol, this means they perform better in the winter months, and you'll get a discount on your car insurance.
Retire - Are you over 65 and enjoying the retired life? You'll get a discount on your car insurance.
Are a young driver - We offer discounts to drivers in their first years (G2 and G) of licensing. If you complete driver training, you'll save even more money. If you are away at school without a vehicle, we offer discounted rates as well.
Get Even More Protection
Add more coverage to your policy to protect your family in case of a collision or other incident. You may choose to add:
- Increased Accident Benefits
If the standard limits for each of the included Accident Benefit coverages don't meet your needs, you can increase each limit as required. For example, you can increase the "income replacement" $400 weekly limit to $600, $800, or $1,000.
- Collision
Pays for losses when you are deemed “At-Fault” in an automobile accident, including in a single-vehicle accident (e.g., you drift into a ditch due to icy road conditions).
- Comprehensive
Covers specified perils other than those covered by Collision coverage, like flying objects (i.e., a stray stone hits & cracks your windshield).
- All Perils
Combines Collision & Comprehensive coverages under one deductible. Also covers the theft of your vehicle by someone in your household (sounds strange, but it does happen).
- Protection Plus
Protects your good driving record if you are at least six years accident-free. In the event of your first "at fault" accident, you keep your accident-free rating! (This protection cannot be applied to accidents resulting in any criminal code or major Highway Traffic Act violations.)
- Rental Coverage (OPCF 27)
When this option is purchased for your private passenger or travel trailer, you no longer have to buy the physical damage insurance coverage sold to you as a daily rate when you rent a car. This coverage applies to rented vehicles in Canada and the continental USA.
- Farm Vehicles
We insure vehicles that are primarily used on a farm with limited road exposure at a lower rate than most commercial and private passenger vehicles. These vehicles must not be used to deliver produce.
- Business Use of Your Vehicle
We offer coverage for people using their private passenger vehicle for visiting clients, for example. If the business use of your vehicle is used for deliveries or as a work truck, consider seeking Commercial Auto Insurance (see below).
- Commercial Auto Insurance
If your vehicle(s) is/are used commercially (i.e., your work van for your electrical business), we offer great individually rated commercial auto rates for light and heavy vehicles. Fleet Rating may be available for risks with more than three power units & trailers.
Auto Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
We often receive questions from customers about auto insurance. Browse through our most Frequently Asked Questions to see if yours is answered here.
- Is my snowmobile or car covered on my property policy when it is stored in the garage on my property?
No. The property policies contain an exclusion that states that there is no coverage for motorized vehicles other than snow blowers and lawn tractors. Any other vehicle must be insured on an Ontario automobile policy.
- Does the fire and theft coverage on my car also cover the contents of the car such as my suitcase?
No. The automobile policy provides coverage for the car and its equipment only. Contents in the car must be provided for on a property policy. Personal contents are usually provided for as contents removed temporarily from one's residence.
- If I am injured in a friend's car, does my friend's automobile policy pay my medical bills?
The automobile insurance plan in Ontario provides a priority of payment rule. Under the priority, you would claim medical bills from your own automobile insurance policy first. If you don't have an automobile policy, you would then claim from the insurer of the car you were in at the time of the injury.
- Can I buy "replacement cost" coverage on my new car?
No. The automobile policy has a "waiver of depreciation" coverage available. This coverage would remove the right to deduct depreciation from the value of your automobile when settling a claim for loss or damage. (Tires and batteries are excluded.) The coverage can be purchased over the basic policy and is available for 24 months from the date you purchased your new vehicle.
- Does my automobile policy provide coverage for a rental car if my car is damaged in an accident or if it is stolen?
If the vehicle has been stolen, the basic automobile policy in Ontario provides coverage for loss of use if the policy includes theft coverage either under the "comprehensive" coverage or under "specified perils" coverage. In the event of an accident for which you are responsible, the basic automobile policy doesn't provide any coverage for loss of use.
An endorsement is available named "Loss of Use" that provides coverage for the rental of a substitute vehicle if the insured vehicle cannot be used due to its damage in an automobile accident. If your vehicle is damaged through the fault of another party insured under the Ontario automobile insurance policy, rental coverage may be provided under your "direct compensation" coverage.
- Is there any coverage under my automobile insurance policy for loss of income if I cannot work due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident?
Yes. The Ontario automobile policy has an extensive coverage section that deals with loss of income. The amounts payable are set out in the policy and if you have any questions regarding the adequacy of your coverage in this regard you should discuss this with your insurance Agent or Broker.
- I have heard that Ontario has a "No Fault Automatic Insurance System". Does this mean that accidents don't affect automobile insurance rates?
No. The term "no fault" refers to a system under which each insurer pays for the damages to its own client's vehicles and it also means that there is limited recourse to compensation for damages through litigation in our court system. However, in every accident, "fault" or negligence is assessed and the party that is deemed to be responsible will have the accident shown against their policy. This may or may not result in an increase in premium dependent upon the rate structure and discounts that were applicable before the accident.
- If I retire, should I get a lower premium?
Our rates, like most other companies, include lower rates if you are not driving to work and further discounts for seniors and retired persons.
- Is my vehicle covered under comprehensive for hail damage?
Yes. The comprehensive coverage on the automobile policy provides coverage for "all perils other than collision".
- If I loan my car to a friend, does my insurance provide coverage?
Yes. The automobile policy provides coverage for all licensed drivers that are operating your vehicle with your permission. However, if the driver is using your vehicle frequently, you should inform your Agent or Broker and he or she will determine if your policy should be modified.
- When my child gets his or her G1 level license, do I have to call my Agent/Broker?
Yes. Your child should be added to your automobile policy as soon as he or she receives a G1 class license. There is no charge for the initial class license; however, a charge will be made on the policy when G2 class is achieved.
- If I start to use my vehicle for any business pursuits, should I inform my Agent?
Yes. The rating on an automobile policy is based upon the usage. If a vehicle is being used for commercial purposes, your Agent must ensure that the coverage provided and the rate structure being used is proper considering your new usage.
Do You Have A Question About Automotive Coverage?
We know we talk a lot, so sometimes it helps to see if we've already got an answer to your question on our website.
Insurance That Works As Hard As You
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