If you are looking for ways to save money on your insurance, then you should consider bundling your insurance products with Ayr Farmers Mutual. We provide a wide variety of insurance products, including home, farm, commercial, and auto. Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, tenant, or farmer, we will provide you with the coverage you need. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of bundling your insurance.
Insurance products are better together!
What does it mean to bundle your insurance?
Bundling means that you are purchasing multiple insurance policies from the same insurance company. For example, if you purchase an insurance policy for your home, vehicle, and snowmobile, instead of mixing your policies between different providers, you would be purchasing all your insurance from one company.
How does bundling benefit you?
Enjoy savings on insurance
Insurance companies reward customers who have multiple policies with them. Bundling gives you the opportunity to receive a multi-line discount on your insurance. When you bundle with Ayr Farmers Mutual, you could save up to 20%* on your home and auto insurance. To learn more about this discount, contact your Ayr Farmers Mutual Agent.
*Certain conditions apply. Talk to your Agent or Broker for additional information.
Your Insurance Agent better understands your needs
By bundling your insurance policies, your Insurance Agent can better understand all your needs. This allows them to provide advice on additional coverage, find extra discounts, and seamlessly bridge the gaps between your coverages.
You only pay one deductible, not two
Pay a single deductible if you have a claim on both your home and car at the same time. For example, if a major storm sweeps through Southwestern Ontario or your home is flooded, damaging both your personal property and vehicle, only one deductible would apply. Contrarily, if you are with two different insurance companies, you'll have to pay two different deductibles.
Bundling is convenient and provides peace of mind
Enjoy one provider and one point of contact. Bundling your policies allows you to stay in contact with the same Insurance Agent every time you have a question, want to make a change, or need to submit a claim.
Get a car and home insurance quote today, to enjoy perks and savings tomorrow
With an insurance bundle, you can save money and time by only having to deal with a single insurance company. Contact Ayr Farmers Mutual today to get a quote on home and auto insurance.
Consider bundling your insurance coverage – it’s to your benefit!
If you were able to have a single stop for all your insurance needs, have an Agent who knows you and all of your needs, and save some money while maintaining protection, why wouldn’t you? We can work with you to identify the different types of insurance coverage you need to better protect you and what you care about most. Connect with your Agent or request a quote to find out how your insurance products might be even better together.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended as professional insurance advice. The coverage, terms, and conditions of each insurance policy are unique and subject to individual circumstances. The information provided does not guarantee the availability or suitability of any insurance policy for your specific needs. You should not rely on the information in the blog as an alternative to professional advice from your Insurance Broker or Insurance Company. If you have any specific questions about any insurance matter, please consult a Licensed Insurance Agent or Insurance Broker for personalized advice and guidance.